Does this sound familiar to you? You find yourself feeling exhausted after even a full nights rest and are not sure why? You struggle with daily tasks that are normally easy peasy because your mind feels scattered? I know it all to well and am here to tell you small changes can make a bit impact.
The older I get the more comfortable I am talking about my struggles with seasonal affective disorder. Maybe because I understand it more, or maybe because I don't want to apologize for saying no to social events or taking time to rest when I need to. Rising with the sun and being out during the day can help immensely when the sun sets at 4 PM. Investing in a Happy Light and having it on in your space is a great addition to your routine, and of course YOGA. This week I am wrapping up an 8 week teacher training that I have been part of a coaching team for, and we had to speak about our why for becoming a Yoga teacher. Mine is to share this gift with others so they know that through physical asanas, meditation, and breathing techniques they can tap into the resources they have inside of themselves at any time so that they can handle the challenges life throws their way, and maintain a happy and healthy mental, physical and emotional state.
As the year comes to a close, I am immensely grateful for the classes I am able to teach and take, the great friends I have, and all of the abundance in my life.
There was a Cold Moon on December 22nd to officially usher in Winter, and I encourage you all to reflect and journal on the accomplishments and milestones you made in 2018, and set some 2019 goals whether they be personal, career oriented, or other. Have a fantastic end of the year, I look forward to seeing you on your mat in 2019!