How Yoga (continues) to Heal Me


Two little words that mean something so big it’s hard to put into words. Feeling like your entire being has been smashed into so many tiny little pieces, you don’t know if there is any way to get put back together. And if so, what will that new version of you will look like?

In the past 5 years there have been many losses, and unexpected changes in my life that have left me feeling turned inside out and upside down, but somehow I have managed to push forward, and once again have begun to bloom.

I get choked up regularly just thinking about it all, and then I wonder – how the f*ck did I get through everything?! The answer always comes to me through the form of Yoga. Even on my saddest days when all I could do was drag (or be dragged) into a class, and barely move through the asanas, somehow just being in a room with yogis stretching and breathing seemed to help. Flash forward a few years and I’m on my mat almost every day, and wish I could be more and more.

How does Yoga heal?

It allows you to just be. I enjoy moving my body, and yoga forces me to concentrate on my breath and movement, which in turn, allows me to quiet my mind… even if only for a minute. There are so many messages we see throughout the day and thoughts that pop up, all the noise in my head can be overwhelming! I have learned that no amount of any substance will quiet it, so yoga has taught me how to observe and acknowledge the thoughts, process, and move on. 

It is definitely not all rainbows and sunshine however. As strong as I feel physically these days, my practice reminds me there is still much to be dealt with. Sadness lurks in the corners of my being, and I need to work through them to GET THEM OUT! 

Why Yoga?

I practice and teach yoga to share with others the knowledge I have gained about the trans-formative powers of yoga. At its most basic level, yoga is about noticing the mind/body connection, and using it to better understand yourself and realize you have everything within you that you need to navigate life. Yoga to me is tuning into yourself, a moving meditation that links breath and movement to challenge the body while quieting the mind and allowing your spirit to shine. 

Yoga helps mange daily stress, anxiety, depression even sadness and pain. Recognizing these things live in our bodies, empowers us to work through and release them.

How does Yoga help you in your daily life? What brings you to your mat? Leave a comment below, and thanks for reading.